export interface GraphQLParams {
operationName?: string;
query?: string;
variables?: string | { [name: string]: any };
export interface RenderGraphiQLOptions {
* An optional GraphQL string to use when no query is provided and no stored
* query exists from a previous session. If undefined is provided, GraphiQL
* will use its own default query.
defaultQuery?: string;
* The endpoint requests should be sent. Defaults to `/graphql`.
graphqlEndpoint?: string;
export interface ProcessRequestOptions {
* A function whose return value is passed in as the `context` to `execute`.
contextFactory?: (executionContext: ExecutionContext) => Promise<unknown> | unknown;
* An optional function which will be used to execute instead of default `execute` from `graphql-js`.
execute?: typeof execute;
* An optional function that can be used to transform every payload (i.e. the `data` object and `errors` array) that's
* emitted by `processRequest`.
formatPayload?: (params: FormatPayloadParams<TContext, TRootValue>) => any;
* The name of the Operation in the Document to execute.
operationName?: string;
* An optional function which will be used to create a document instead of the default `parse` from `graphql-js`.
parse?: typeof parse;
* A Document containing GraphQL Operations and Fragments to execute.
query?: string | DocumentNode;
* An object describing the HTTP request.
request: Request;
* A function whose return value is passed in as the `rootValue` to `execute`.
rootValueFactory?: (executionContext: ExecutionContext) => Promise<unknown> | unknown;
* The GraphQL schema used to process the request.
schema: GraphQLSchema;
* An optional function which will be used to subscribe instead of default `subscribe` from `graphql-js`.
subscribe?: typeof subscribe;
* An optional function which will be used to validate instead of default `validate` from `graphql-js`.
validate?: typeof validate;
* An optional array of validation rules that will be applied to the document
* in place of those defined by the GraphQL specification.
validationRules?: ReadonlyArray<ValidationRule>;
* Values for any Variables defined by the Operation.
variables?: string | { [name: string]: any };
export interface FormatPayloadParams<TContext, TRootValue> {
payload: ExecutionResult | ExecutionPatchResult;
context?: TContext;
document?: DocumentNode;
operation?: OperationDefinitionNode;
rootValue?: TRootValue;
export interface ExecutionContext {
document: DocumentNode;
operation: OperationDefinitionNode;
variables?: { readonly [name: string]: unknown };
export interface Request {
body?: any;
headers: Headers;
method: string;
query: any;
export type Headers = Record<string, string | string[] | undefined> | { get(name: string): string | null };
export interface Response {
type: "RESPONSE";
status: number;
headers: { name: string; value: string }[];
payload: ExecutionResult;
export interface MultipartResponse {
subscribe: (onResult: (result: ExecutionResult) => void) => Promise<void>;
unsubscribe: () => void;
export interface Push {
type: "PUSH";
subscribe: (onResult: (result: ExecutionResult) => void) => Promise<void>;
unsubscribe: () => void;
export type ProcessRequestResult = Response | MultipartResponse | Push;